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          Ellie Jo Biggs

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A day in the life of Ellie Jo Biggs

Hello, today I auditioned for the Warner Bros film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them" at the Excel Centre in London. What an experience! I queued for 8 hours in 26 degree heat with no shade or seats! It was a long day! There were approximately 10,000 people in the queue.

When I finally got the chance to meet the casting director, I was asked my name and the question "If you had one superpower what would it be?". I chose "Invisibility because I like to prank people". At the end of my audition I was given a certificate as proof of my attendance. Unfortunately I didn't get a call back, but it was a great experience that I was fortunate enough to be able to attend an audition for a life changing role.


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